Port Ahuriri School
Port Ahuriri School recently celebrated its 150th Jubilee, making it the oldest established primary school in Napier City. It is a co-education school for boys and girls aged between 5 – 10 years old (Years 1-6). It is located in the thriving Port Ahuriri suburb near the waterfront.
Port Ahuriri School is a small school that has significant parent participation in their child’s schooling. It is well known for its supportive parent community, arts and sports programmes and its ability to integrate children into the culture of the school.
This school is recognised by the New Zealand government for the high expectations it has for sustained engagement and achievement of students. Students are enthusiastic, successful, confident and respectful, and learn in a caring and positive environment that supports their wellbeing and learning. Students at this school achieve to high levels. Distinctive features include:
- Explicit teaching to build learning behaviours and social skills
- Students’ culture and language is integrated into class and school programmes, particularly through the arts
- Extensive school and class gardens provide practical experience and increased understanding of environmental sustainability
- There is a deliberate extension of the opportunity to increase science understanding and knowledge.
The school has been involved in placing international students for over a decade and has a robust understanding of the transition needs of international students.